Pain: Find What Doesn’t Hurt


Pain is all too often a part of our daily life, whether physical, mental, or emotional.

This is a simple exercise to help manage the pain you are experiencing in this moment:

1. Locate the pain you are feeling right now in your body, finding and naming the specific location.
2. Spend a moment analyzing what it feels like (sharp, dull, radiating, hot, cold, excruciating, numbing, specific, nonspecific, big, small, insidious, etc.)
3. Now find a part of your body that doesn’t hurt. Examples might be your elbow, ear or pinky toe.
4. Spend a moment analyzing what it feels like (…likely it doesn’t feel like much at all because it’s a healthy part of your body and doesn’t need to send any signal of needing attention through pain or discomfort).
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How Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy May Benefit Pain Conditions

craniosacral-painLiving with chronic or acute pain can be debilitating. It can cause not only high levels of stress, but also significant changes in mood and daily life activities. Default treatments like anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers, physical therapy, appropriate exercises, application of heat or cold may often ease the pain. When they don’t, it’s hard to evaluate the other healthcare options that might help. I will explain why biodynamic craniosacral therapy (BCST) is an option worth considering if you suffer from a pain condition.

Only recently has research begun to uncover what makes craniosacral therapy (CST) effective. As a result, when someone is referred to me, they generally have no idea what to expect, what they are in for, and whether biodynamic craniosacral therapy can really help them.

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